Clery Statistics
The Clery Director is responsible for the collection and compilation of crime statistics for Clery-qualifying crimes, including hate crimes, through working relationships with CSAs, UPD and the cross-departmental Clery Compliance Team. CSUDH UPD is responsible for conducting documented outreach to law enforcement agencies to request Clery-reportable crime statistics from the Clery Act geography that UPD does not patrol or provide primary law enforcement response. UPD is required to forward this information to the Clery Director.
In addition, the Clery Director meets with the Clery Compliance Team (CCT) to collect and classify crimes and violations of state and local drug, liquor, and weapons laws occurring within Clery geography where arrests or referrals for discipline of students or employees were made. The Clery Director will also work with UPD and ensure all reported statistics to UPD were also included in the daily crime log. This allows for cross-divisional collaboration and review of crime statistics to promote complete and accurate statistical reporting.