Instructional Support

Instructional Support for Psychology Majors 

The Psychology Computer Lab

The Psychology Computer Lab offers instructional support services for currently enrolled CSUDH students majoring in Psychology by assisting with APA-style formatting, research writing, and statistical analysis by using SPSS.

In addition to instructional support, the psychology computer lab is a space for students to study, work on individual or group assignments, or unwind with fellow psychology students. 

Location: NSM C-333

Phone: 310-243-2563

Hours: TBA

Computer Lab and Instructional Support Policies

Lab Policies

  1. Instructional support services are for currently enrolled CSUDH students majoring in Psychology.
  2. Students must have a valid CSUDH ID to access instructional support services and the psychology computer lab.
  3. The psychology computer lab is an instructional space and abides by any mandated campus, CSU, and county policies.
  4. Please keep the computer areas and shared spaces clean.
  5. Only beverages with lids and cold or packaged food (i.e., no hot food) are allowed in the psychology computer lab at the large study table.
  6. Food or open beverages by computer equipment are prohibited.

Instructional Support Policies

  1. The Instructional Support Technician (IST) can assist you with your understanding of APA, SPSS, and statistics. However, the IST will not check answers or help complete assignments. Misuse of services may result in a suspension of instructional support access.
  2. Students are advised to seek initial support from their instructor (e.g., receiving help after class or visiting their office hours) before meeting with the IST, as professors know their course material and expectations best. The IST will refer students back to their professors for support and subject clarification if necessary.
  3. The instructional support team abides by the university's Academic Integrity Policy. For more information on the campus Academic Integrity Policy, please visit
  4. For additional information, please see 'What to Expect for Your Appointment.'

Paper Feedback Policies

  1. Instructional support services do not provide editing services, such as proofreading, fixing typos, rearranging sentences, or reforming papers to meet APA standards. However, the IST or ISA can help identify grammar and writing patterns and suggest ways to effectively strengthen writing ability by improving word choices, style, and mechanics.
  2. Feedback on research papers is limited up to four pages. Make sure to indicate which section you are requesting feedback (e.g., introduction, method, results, discussion).
  3. Please email your draft 48 hours prior to your appointment.
  4. To receive feedback, you must have an appointment. Papers submitted without an appointment will not be reviewed. 
  5. Papers are reviewed in correspondence to your appointment time, regardless of a paper's due date. Please make sure to submit your paper promptly.
  6. When making an appointment, please indicate in detail what aspect of APA writing you would like help with. For example, do you need support with APA formatting (e.g., headings, in-text citations), references, or feedback on a specific paper section
  7. Papers will not be compared against an instructor’s rubric.

Instructional Support Hours: TBA

  • Students are allotted one appointment per day. Same-day appointments will be canceled unless approved by the IST.

  • Online appointments will meet via Zoom:

        » Zoom link: TBA

  • In-person appointments will meet in the psychology computer lab located in NSM C-333

Late & Cancellation Policy

If students are running late, they will have a five-minute grace period after the start of their appointment. After the grace period, the appointment is cancelled. The student is responsible for contacting the IST if they know they will be late beyond five minutes. However, the late appointment will not extend past the initial 30-minute time slot due to the scheduling of other appointments.

If a student cannot attend the appointment, they must cancel or reschedule 24 hours in advance to allow another student to book the appointment. Appointment modifications can be made through the Calendly confirmation email.

What to Expect for Your Appointment
  1. Instructional support sessions are only 30 minutes. Please come prepared with specific concerns or questions you want to address during your session.
  2. Understand that the Instructional Support Technician (IST) is an experienced learner, not expert. Always seek help from your instructor first and foremost.
  3. Sign in at the table and wait for the specified tutor.
  4. The IST may be with another student when you arrive or are studying in the lab. Please be respectful and do not interrupt their session to ask for help.
  5. Expect to review assignment concepts, not complete assignments.
  6. Instructional support sessions exclude answer-checking.
  7. The IST will not compare assignments or papers against an instructor’s rubric.
  8. The instructional support team will not know all the components of your class materials or the professor’s expectations.
  9. Tutors will refer students back to their professors for support and subject clarification.

Example Questions of What to Ask the IST for Best Support:

  • "I am having difficulty starting the introduction of my research paper. Can you provide me with material to help me better understand how to begin writing?"
  • "My professor has asked us to write an annotated bibliography. How do I know if an article is peer-reviewed?"
  • "Can you please provide feedback on the methods section of my research paper? I would like to know if I cited the measures correctly."

Example Questions of What Not to Ask the IST:

  • "How do I write an introduction section of a research paper?
  • "What goes in an annotated bibliography?"
  • "Can you review my introduction to see if I am missing anything? Here is the rubric from my professor."

Tutoring Resources 

Toro Learning & Testing Center (TLTC)

The Writing Center

Important Lab Dates

Fall 2024 Lab Closures:

  • August 19 - 24: Preparation for Fall semester
  • September 2: Labor Day
  • November 11: Veterans Day
  • November 28-29: Thanksgiving Break
  • December 25-January 1: Winter Break and New Year's Day Holiday

Academic Calendar

To view the 2024-2025 academic calendar, please click HERE