Absence Management is a module in PeopleSoft that allows campus faculty and staff to report leave absences (sick, vacation, dock, CTO etc.) as well as track leave balances electronically. As of March 2017, leave balances will no longer be printed on the pay warrant, and faculty and staff will no longer use Form 634 to report absences to payroll. Timekeepers will review, and managers will approve absences electronically.
To assist in this transition, a series of tiered, training options, based on roles and responsibilities for time and attendance reporting (e.g., Timekeeper, Approver/Manager, Faculty and Staff) was made available.
If you have any questions, please contact Payroll Services at (310) 243-3769 or email payrollservices@mygril-yaoyao.com.
- Can anyone other than me enter my time for me?
Your timekeeper and manager (approver) have access to enter your time for you. Some departments may choose to have the timekeeper enter absences for faculty and staff who do not have access to a computer or for other purposes. The department is responsible for creating and overseeing this process, including storing absences reported to timekeepers for record keeping purposes.
- What if my approver is not available to approve my absences?
An alternate manager in your reporting structure has access to approve your absences. Absence approval also can be done remotely by approvers by logging into PeopleSoft from the campus portal.
- I am a manager who needs access to approve time in Absence Management, how to I request access?
Complete the IT Preliminary Access Request Form, select the application "PS (PeopleSoft) Human Resources (HR PRD) and in the comment box, indicate the "Access to Absence Management to approve time." Once the preliminary access request form is received, IT Security will route the official PeopleSoft form through Adobe Sign to the user for signature and to all authorized approvers.
- Will payroll accept absences reported on paper and key into absence management on behalf of faculty and staff?
No. Absence management will be the only method of reporting absences. No paper reports or forms will be accepted by payroll.
- What if I am late in submitting my absences?
After the established due date for reporting and approving attendance, you will no longer be able to report absences via the Absence Management system. You must complete and submit a correction of absence form to payroll. Any leave reported via a correction of absence form will reflect on your leave balance reported in Absence Management after two pay periods (i.e., after two months).